Free power with Contact energy everyday 9pm - 12am until the end of November
Free Power 9PM - 12AM Every Night (Fixed Term/Rates Until May, 2023) @ Contact Energy
Last edited 01/03/2022 - 11:17 by 1 other user
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Referrer and referee receive $100 credit each.
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Equally expensive plan than Powershop. I am on this plan for more than 6 months. No major change to my bills than Powershop
Interesting, I'm definitely cheaper with Contact but that might be because I'm pushing all my heavy appliance use (e.g. washing) to the evenings (which also suits my schedule anyway).
i do same but no major difference. Infact kids have started complaining about the beeps from the washing machine at night :)
You may be able to turn off the beeps if you google, maybe?
What happens after November?
They're ending it in November? I thought this "free power" deal was built into the plan.
I think that was the original fixed term end date. I’ve since changed it to May 30, 2023 but didn’t want to meddle too much with OPs post in case I was wrong.
and they also increased the prices
They've obviously underestimated just how much people are prepared to put off until these hours of the night. I checked the price here versus what it was when we signed up and it's +~10%.
Isnt this a repost? This deal has been going on for a while now.
Yes and no. The original posts are both expired and it has been over a month, so technically this post is all good (… I think).
I don't have a smart meter so I can't take this offer, how do I get provider to free upgrade my meter?
Maybe ask them to do it for free?
Contact will upgrade you for free
I'm pretty sure they won't upgrade you for free. I have been asking them to upgrade me and other power providers and they all say there is a $200 fee. They said the best thing to do would be to sign up to contact on their other plans with a $150 sign up bonus and then get someone to install a smart meter. So you only end up paying for $50.
May depend on where you live. AFAIK for ordinary consumers the meter is the responsibility of your network company (line company). I suspect they have different policies and charges for upgrades which retailers may pass on to you.
Weird they never charged me for my upgrade!
Great to use if you have an EV. Free "fuel". Especially since petrol is so expensive right now.
Is there prompt payment discount with this Good nights plan?
Your must've had a really long fixed term plan…. Those haven't been a thing since 2020.
Oh man, I must have missed the news! Was about to change to Night plan, thanks for confirming @Kiwi.
Looks like they removed it in ~June 2019 (source: powercompare)( … and if I change the plan then I'll lose the prompt payment discount.
Also the broadband on Night plan is $5 more expensive than the free term plan.
Do note that the prompt payment discount is actually a late payment penalty and most likely the final price you paid was comparable to every other retailer on the market.
You won't be losing anything.
Anyone else's referral link saying expired? Also cannot find referral info on Contacts website anymore?
Yeah I think the contact one and others expire after 90 days. I had this problem previously with Contact referral expiring and not being able to get a new one. They remove and bring back the referral generating thing all the time but from what I understand you can still use your referral link but you just can't generate a new one.
Because of this problem previously I've saved my link elsewhere to reenter into cheapies. I've just tested it and it still takes you to the referral page which mentions sharing $200 credit.
Edit: Found the Contact referral page.
Previous posts discussing this deal
August, 2021
August, 2021