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1x Healgen Rapid Antigen Test $4.01 + Shipping (Free with Purchase of 25+ Tests) @ Alpha Promotions (Shop Pay or Google Pay)


Orient Gene Rapid Antigen Self-Test, 1 test per box, individual packing

Approved by Ministry of Health NZ

To Purchase:

  1. Click "add to Quote" after entering quantity.
  2. Select "View Cart"
  3. Wait for the Shop Pay button to load. Do not click "Request a Quote".

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closed Comments

  • +1

    OP - That's a terrible website.
    It adds the item as a quote first before trying to get yourself to the checkout which I didn't find straightforward.
    Also, the price is $4.01 incl GST not $3.99

  • Hi there,

    You don't need to place the order and do the checkout online, please email to us with your order and we will adjust the price from our system to fulfill your order.

    Best regards


    • How much is it for 1pk with GST & delivery? And are you saying that the only way to order this is to email you?

  • Where is your address ? by NZ post it might take $5 for the shipping.

  • Your website says the price is $3.49(alphapromotions.co.nz)

    Also, the title (in my link above) says that it's Orient Gene but the image shows Healgen.

    • +2

      thought that looked suss so did a quick search and it shows that healgen is a subsidiary of orient gene, kinda explains why the boxing and design looks the same between the 2
      Healgen Scientific, a wholly owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Orient Gene Biotech Co.,Ltd, develops, manufactures and commercializes in-vitro diagnostic test systems worldwide

      • Yeah while there's a lot questionable about the OP's website, this one is fine IMO. You can see even the MoH/Manatū Hauora treats them the same https://www.health.govt.nz/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-…

        (As noted there the Siemens Healthineers CLINITEST Rapid COVID-19 Antigen Test are also generally manufactured by Orient Gene so I think pretty much all the tests commonly sold in NZ are from them.)

    • Healgen brand is owned by Orient Gene Manufacturer.

  • It's not reflecting 15% gst.

    • +1

      It’s a mess.
      I suggest you tidy up the website and repost when it’s straightforward to order.
      You can’t post a price and then add GST later.

    • +1

      You still don't show GST on your order until the final checkout.
      It shows $3.49 all the way until you have put your details in.
      This is not only misleading it's not allowed under NZ law. You MUST show a price is GST exclusive and if not then it is assumed to include GST.

      For a marketing company you have a long way to go.

      • Hi,

        When you go to the checkout page, 15% gst has clearly shown before the checkout, this is standard setting at shopify platform.

        All related information of costs are very clear, and if anything unclear, our team is also contactable at anytime, so we are not and won't be misleading anyone.

        • Well it doesn't matter if it's a "standard" setting. If your webstore is based in NZ you should be following NZ laws and norms not standard settings. I'm certain Shopify can handle such things since it's hardly unique to NZ. In fact I'm fairly sure UK and EU law or maybe enforcement (at least in the better off countries) is far stronger than NZ on not showing VAT exclusive prices. Also I think I've seen Shopify sites which do it. And a quick search finds https://community.shopify.com/c/shopify-discussions/gst-on-p…

          • @Nil Einne: Yep - every Shopify site I have seen clearly shows the GST inclusive price from the beginning.
            Price is cheap enough but it's a no from me.

          • @Nil Einne: Hi,

            Actually we are selling $4.01 and our website it says $3.49 per test, obviously there is a 15% gst applied to $4.01.

            In order to avoid further confusion, our website master has updated this.

  • Hi there,

    Actually you can place the order and do the checkout online in our website.

    When you add the order quantity to the cart, then review the cart and click the icon "shoppay", it will instruct you to finish the rest steps with your details filled.

    Please let us know if anything unclear.

  • Shipping policy page is from some random US website.

    • This has been updated by our website supporting team.

  • Hi there,

    This shipping policy has been updated by our website master.

    • You should hire me to test out the website before launch.. lol

  • Anyone who needs to buy in bulk, search around, I have come across a company doing 50x20pk for $2500 (not sure legit or not). Shop around.

  • We are NZ distributor of Orient Gene RATs, and all of our supplied RATs are approved by MoH NZ.

  • I can't figure out how to buy. Product page has a price butt then checkout seems to need a manual quote before buying. Can't see how much shipping will be anywhere.

    Also noticed on ts&C's page:
    All quotes under $800 will have an automatic $15.00 administration fee applied

    So not worth for small orders.

    • Please contact us before posting your comments, thanks !

    • they probably dont want to pay shopify/transaction fees. so instead of checking you out, it becomes an email and they will process you outside the system.

    • When you add the quantity to the cart, then view the cart and click the icon " Shop Pay ", the system will instruct you to finish the rest steps online.

      Please feel free to talk to us via livechat for online chat, to make things clarified quickly if anything unclear.

      • cool. thanks!

  • There is no administration fee applied for RATs at all. If you have anything unclear, you can contact us for a call or by email or by online chat via livechat.

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