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Free Access to All Sports Channels @ Sky Sports Now


Skysportnow free all day on Sunday 3rd of July.
Promo for the Warriors game

Would also be able to watch any of Saturdays games on replay or highlights..
All Blacks
Other Rugby Internationals
Etc etc

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  • +7

    Wise card = every day is freeeeee 👼

    • +1

      I'll second that!

    • Tell me more 👀

      • +5

        Wise is a Visa Debit card that allows you to use disposable digital card numbers.
        Effectively a new card number every time if you like (can have 3 active card numbers at a time and then delete when you have finished with it).
        Cost me $14 as a one-off payment for a physical card but some have got the card for free if you time it right with a promo.
        Have a look here(wise.com)

        • Very very nice, I'll look into it, thank u

        • Can you use the virtual cards without ordering a phisical card?

            • @ace310: I think you can, they call it a "Digital Card" which is the same as a virtual card associated with your account. Not sure if it will work with the matter at hand. Wise are F***ing good tho!

              • @logdog: You still need to order the physical card first - even if you don't intend to use it before you can use the digital card.
                From the website(wise.com)

              • @logdog: As @bigcheese said, you won't get "Digital Card" option until you order physical card.

                Currently to get the Wise virtual card you’ll first need to order a physical card. But don’t worry, you don’t need to wait for your physical card to arrive before you start spending on your virtual one.

                • @ace310: Hi there, so I need to sign up every 7 days for a free sky sport trial after paying $14 for a wisecard?

                  • +1

                    @Sarahglasgow: Yes. Once you have your physical card and can create new digital cards:

                    • Create digital card
                    • Sign up SSN, $1 taken out of Wisecard.
                    • Cancel subscription. $1 refunded on the 7th day (or thereabouts).
                    • New digital card, new email address - repeat process
    • +1

      How does Wise give you free Sky Sport access everyday…?

      • +1

        keep signing up for trials

        • +1

          Oh wow… I've had a wise card for years and I did not know about this

    • How long is the trial? Hassle to start again each time?

      • 7 day trial for Sky Sport now.
        Wise card takes a second to generate a new card.
        New email address equally quick - particularly if you can use the gmail hack (eg. bigcheese+trial1@gmail.com, bigcheese+trial2@gmail.com)

        • Do you need to have a positive balance to use the Wise card for a free trial?

          • +2

            @sunshinenz: You do for the trials that take a hold - like $1 or so which is then refunded afterwards.
            I keep about $30 on the card and every so often just buy a coffee or something with it if I think I have too much on it.

        • +1

          @bigcheese - You are a star mate, helpful as always

        • Bro, you are a genius! Seriously.

        • +1

          Hey @bigcheese, excuse my ignorance, but what do you mean by “the gmail hack”? I’m sure your example is fairly self explanatory to most people, but I just want clarify before I do anything as I can be a bit slow sometimes…

          • @JedEnzed: Oh wait, does it mean to just set up a new gmail account that is the first in a progressive sequence which I’ll continue to set up as I need new email accounts?

            • @JedEnzed: Take your original gmail address eg. bigcheese@gmail.com

              You can then use a '+' before the @ symbol to create a new email address that still goes to the same inbox.
              So in the above case the emails: bigcheese+skysport@gmail.com or bigcheese+spotify@gmail.com will all come to the original account address (bigcheese@gmail.com) but be seen as different to whoever you are signing up to.
              This won't always work - some places block you from using the + symbol but it works for most.
              Also means you don't need to go and create a new email address every time.

    • Which Verify ID did you use & did you have any concerns?(I'm thinking of using my passport).

      • +2

        Don't remember eh. Probably my drivers license if that is an option. I went to go sign up for an account a few months back but it told me that I had already created an account a year or two earlier 💁‍♂️

      • +1

        Passport is fine.
        Think you might need proof of address too but it was too long ago to remember.

      • +1

        I'm in the process of signing up, I used a drivers licence, also needed proof of address (power bill) and had to take a selfie on my phone. Pretty painless overall though.

    • If you cancel the subscription, does it end straight away or at the end of the 7 days?

  • Wise cards: can anyone tell me, if I transfer $5 to my wise account using Apple Pay, does Visa see it as a cash advance and charge interest straight away?

    • Apple Pay is just a mechanism to make payment from one of your actual credit/debit cards.
      I would say that it would be treated the same way as if you made a transfer from the card that is linked to your Apple Pay to your Wise card.

      Generally a transfer is not a purchase so I would say it's treated as a cash advance but I've never tried it that way.

    • I am on android, not sure how apple pay works. Wise card is a debt card, just see it as a borderless bank card, you use it to buy things and withdraw cash from ATM overseas. I don't think you will pay cash advance charge as $5 is your own money.

      • I took the comment as meaning transferring to the Wise account, not from it.
        Agree if it is coming from your Wise card there shouldn't be a charge.

        • Oh I see. Read it wrong 😂

  • bigcheese, lets hope Sky or others that offer free trials don't require an active mobile number (ie: text confirmation code) for the trial - that would get tricky!

    • Spark Sport does require that so useful to keep in mind.
      A new sim is cheap enough so I just use one of those if I ever want to do a Spark trial.

      • I know we're getting kind of off topic here but can you have virtual card numbers with Wise without ordering a physical card?

        • +3

          Pretty sure you need to order the physical card first in order to get access to the digital card, even if you don't intend to use it.

          • @bigcheese: But do you need to get a new $14 physical for each digital card?
            I'm guessing you pay $14 once, then just create and burn digital cards.

            • @debo: No. The $14 is a one off payment for the physical card (required even if you don't intend to use it).
              Once you pay that you pay nothing else and can create digital cards to your hearts content - holding up to 3 digital card numbers at a time.

  • Very nice. Watching this Kyrgios kid, not bad at all, not sure why everybody seems to hate him.

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