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FREE USB LED Reading Light Sync Charger for Android or Apple Devices (Usually ~ $11)


FREE USB LED Reading Light for Android or Apple

10000 Available

To claim your LED Light Sync Charger

1.Login or Register a free account
2. Choose your LED Light Sync Charger from the items listed below and add to cart
3. Enter coupon code ZAPALS1127SP in your shopping cart or during checkout
4. Complete checkout
5. Receive your awesome free LED Light Sync Charger courtesy of Zapals!

Original Deal(ozbargain.com.au)

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closed Comments

  • Cheers, looks like the stock is getting low. When I ordered 10mins ago there was only 2 colours remaining for Android and none for Iphone, but when I look now there's only 1 colour Android and 2 colours Iphone.

    • Na, it's strange, it seems to be cycling through products. One visit I had one option, another there were none, then there were 7.

      • Can't add to the shopping cart. Tried several colours, all in stock, but "add to cart" does nothing. Same for IE and Firefox.

        • Not meaning to 'tell grandma how to suck eggs' but check that you have cookies enabled for that page. I have cookies turned off globally, and authorise each individual page, if needed. Without cookies, your purchase won't register in your Shopping Cart. Hope that helps

    • They added another 50k, got 2 :)

      • Jeez, how are these guys still in Business? They've given away about 100k freebies over the past month.

  • +1

    There are 7 cookies for that site, but their cart still doesn't work. But thanks for the suggestion, that got me thinking. Found that my router was filtering Java applets out. Turned it off, added to cart, and turned on Java filtering again. Other sites work fine without JA. Thanks.

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