• expired

$25 off Next 4-16 Orders in Whangārei (& Possibly Elsewhere, Exclusions Apply, Selected Stores) @ Uber Eats


Following on from Wakrak's post that introduced the deal, and dankd discovering a secondary method that applied the same deal to your promotions tab in Uber Eats, I've found two more.

$25 off next four orders x4 (potentially, in certain locations).

  1. Apply code GETEATSNZ (expires 02/01/2024 12pm).
  2. After claiming that deal, go back to your home page and scroll through the promotion's carousel, tap on the blank/white card and it should apply the deal again (expires either 27/12/2023 10pm or 02/01/2024 12pm).
  3. You may also be able to claim this offer in the promotions tab (just an example of the tab). I don't know how targeted this one is, whether region specific or otherwise (expires either 27/12/2023 10pm or 02/01/2024 12pm).
  4. Fourth option is the code I received in the mail: EATS1632 (expires 04/03/2024 2pm).
  5. Bonus: in the promo tab for me was $20 off $40 min. spend on groceries. So, 50% off some essentials delivered to my door!

Only the first deal by Wakrak is known to work in Whangārei, Whanganui, Gisborne & Invercargill as per the T&Cs below1. The other three only state "Valid only in select areas and cities where Ube rEats is available in New Zealand." So, please try your luck and report back.

All up this is $400 of free food that we have for the next month in Whangārei. Merry Christmas!

    • This offer is for up to $25 off your next four orders you place with the Uber Eats app in these new cities. You may redeem this offer a maximum of four times. Offer does not apply to liquor stores. Delivery Fee applies (excluding Pickup orders). Service Fee applies to orders delivered by Uber Eats and is based on order value (before promotion or discount). Other fees may apply.
    • Amount of up to $25 will be applied as a promotion or discount at checkout. $25 off does not apply to fees. Only available for orders with participating restaurants via the Uber Eats App. For personal use only.
    • Any remaining value is forfeited if order value is below $25. Valid for use on up to four orders only. This offer is not valid in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Offer may be withdrawn at any time.
    • Subject to stock, operating hours and availability of participating restaurants in your area via the Uber Eats app. Valid only in select areas and cities where Uber Eats is available in New Zealand. Promotion expires on 11:59PM NZST 01/01/24.

Referral Links

Referral: random (147)

Referrer: Free Delivery with $10 minimum order (excluding promotions, select stores)
Referee: No Delivery Fee for First 5 orders, with $10 minimum order (excluding promotions, select stores)

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • GETEATSNZ works for me, but I don't quite understand the Second & Third steps, can anyone explain please cheers

    Edit: Doesn't show any shop when I click shop now from the voucher

    • +1
      1. Add code
      2. Scroll through promotions carousel, tap on the blank/white card
      3. Go to promotions tab
      4. Try EATS1632

      In regard to your edit, what location are you choosing?

      • In Christchurch so maybe is the location things? I couldn't find Promotion carousel and the blank card things

        • Ah, that most likely is it - these 4 are confirmed working in Whangarei, and might also work in Whanganui, Gisborne & Invercargill - anywhere outside of these areas is less likely as from Wakrak's original deal, it's a promo for the introduction of Uber Eats into these regions.

          You could try and set your area to one of these and try your luck, and maybe shout friends & family some food if they live in one of these locations?

    • In your app the main page should have a number of things that advertise food to you, but just one that shows promotions (Uber One, for instance) - within this there is hopefully an empty card that has no graphics - tap on that and you should be able to claim another $25 off the next 4 orders.

      This is what it should look like, depending on your colour scheme(imgur.com)

      The third one is in the promotions tab where you enter the code, you may also receive further promotions that you need to 'claim' - see here by "Claim new promotions"(imgur.com) and you 'add promo' to your account. Yesterday both my partner and I had a $25 off your next 4 orders card that we claimed in this section - sorry I didn't think to screenshot it at the time!

      I've added these images to the main post to hopefully help.

        • Scroll down through everything selling food and there should be something that looks like this(imgur.com) that's promoting Uber's own stuff, not restaurants selling food, and one of these cards is the blank one in my other image.

          I don't know how else to make these appear, I'm afraid! There's no header or anything that that points you to this section.

          • @535: Ok got it, mine doesn't show a blank, instead it show the promotion
            I have set my address to Whangarei. Got the 3rd one by clicking the banner above again, nothing on my Promotion as you mentioned in the original post lol. And EATS1632 gave me the 4th one.

          • @535: Tested with my partner phone, set address to Whangarei, found the blank card but it doesn't add another one to the promotion, nothing on promotion page also, not sure why it's different for everyone

            Edit: Tried again with partners account, clicked blank twice and got 2x more, EATS1632 added the 4th one

            • @doubledippps: Hah, thanks for the extra testing - no idea either, but good to see they do all work in one way or another! Hopefully you can make use of them in some way!

          • +2

            @535: Can confirm all 4 doesn't works in Christchurch lol

  • +2

    All of the restaurants are pukekohe based.

  • I was able to add the promotions but looks like no restaurants available in my area (Dunedin)

  • +1

    Awesome find! EATS1632 worked perfectly!

  • +2

    Unfortunately no stores available to accept these codes in Wellington City or Lower Hutt.

  • -1

    Any Auckland stores?

  • No stores in Hawke's Bay

  • is this app only

  • +1

    I might add that you should tap the empty white box every time it pops up. I know some people who have received 6 or 7 of these promotions in their account.

    • +1

      Oh you're absolutely right, got another one for both my partner and I, mine was the empty card and hers was a pop up at the bottom of the screen.

      Thanks for the extra extra free food!

      • Found another code. Posted it here

  • +1

    It works well in whangarei. I have about 4 separate vouchers. Just a question, is this legitimate? We won't be charged back for all the food we receive right? I'm just thinking back to that whole cashapp drama and everyone who exploited it was eventually charged for it.

    • Yeah this would be good to know lol. Though there's nothing in the terms and conditions I can see that forbids you from using multiple versions of the same promotion.

  • I think EATS1632 has been disabled. It was on my promos but now it's gone, and I hadn't used it yet.

    • +1

      I just checked and still have mine, expiring March 4th. Have you been using many? I've found it frustrating having to select the first expiring deal every time at the last screen, otherwise it defaults to the most recently received promo instead - so that could be EATS1632 for you, and you've just used them up perhaps?

      • Hm… not proud to say I've made 12 orders in the last week lmao. So that would be 3 of them, but there's still 2 left. I was selecting the January ones instead of March so that's why I thought it had disappeared. But you're right, it might have reset the chosen promo when I went out of the app and I ended up using the March one by accident.

  • Update - promos are still in my account but cannot be applied to any of my local restaurants like before.

    • +1

      Seems to be available again.

      • Sweet, thanks.

  • +2

    Promo not working! Fix it please! I need to feed my kids!

    • Fixed for you!

  • Is it all over?

    • Doesn't look like it yet.

  • +2

    Looks like it's all back, was able to schedule an order for tomorrow evening. Perhaps just a glitch, false alarm!

  • All the $25.00 coupons I've collected are unavailable.
    $30.00 dollar ones are still good, though.

    • $30 one's? Is this from the old referral system?

      • From the deals carousel in the app

        • What is the code please?

    • +2

      Strange, I've got 3 of my 6 that I can still order through, one (EATS1632) that is still in my account but unavailable, and the other 2 of my 6 that I've finished, I think.

      Also strange is that the end date of the 3 that are still active have changed from Jan 2nd at 12pm to Jan 1st at 11pm… go figure…

      • +1

        Also strange that the number of restaurants in my area these coupons work on has dwindled…

  • GETEATSNZ has expired and EATS1632 says I am not eligible.

  • I know so many people who have been using the EATS1632 code and having plenty free meals from it. Can even sign out and sign in under a new email and good to go again. Although now people are finding after about 5 accounts it says this credit card is linked to too many accounts. Its been helpful, i have been using it to full my grandparents freezers with curries etc so they can grab them out and eat them. Handy as and free.

    • Ive managed to create a few accounts successfully and used all codes. Latest account allowed eats1632 to be added but now that i have a new card to purchase the codes are no longer available. Was good while it lasted

      • Thats strange, we can still use that code. Maybe try again on a new account

  • Seems to be over. No restaurants available in my area

    • Yea same on my account in Gisborne no resturants attached to the discount code

    • I checked yesterday and I had nothing available, checked again just now and everything is back - seems to be a thing with Uber Eats, it's not exactly consistent! @Tamstar22

  • Any new code?

    • EATS1632 (exp March 4th) is confirmed working on a fresh account as of tonight, used an old spare Warehouse mobile number I had lying around to create a new account and had free food at my door in less than an hour. Even if you have to get a new one it's only $5 for the sim card to get $100 of free food back, and new accounts get Uber One trial for a month too.

      Unless of course they're blocking your cards, in which case could be worth trying Wise or Revolut temporary cards for an account? But I haven't tested this so can't help further there.

  • Merged from $25 off Next 4-16 Orders in Whangārei (& Possibly Elsewhere, Exl. Apply): Bacon BBQ Roaster $1.50 at Burgerfuel @ Uber Eats
    Go to Deal(ubereats.com)
    Coupon Code: EATS1632

    go to Uber Eats app
    go into Burgerguel
    choose your burger
    use promo code: EATS1632
    gets your $25 off per burger

    so the most expensive burger $26.5 becomes $1.5
    limits: 4 burgers per account.

    you are welcome!!

    • +1

      I think this code might have been posted before and I believe it's limited in use to certain locations (cities/towns) in NZ. I'm able to add it but not use it in Wellington.

    • Doesn’t seem to work in Tauranga. No eligible stores.

    • +2
    • +1

      Yea, no eligible stores in Auckland for me :(

    • Doesnt work lower hutt

    • It doesn't work why are peoiple upvoting it?

      • It does work. Just not in all cities/towns

    • Let’s me add the code but can’t select the promo.
      (Christchurch) So doesn’t work…

    • Guessing you're in Whangārei OP?

    • Didnt work.. booo

    • This code has been posted before.

    • Like others I can add the code but can't redeem it at Burger Fuel (dunedin)

    • Worked for me back when it was first posted: https://www.cheapies.nz/node/44460

      Note: Like the other codes, it's likely only for the small towns (the list posted before was Whangārei, Whanganui, Gisborne & Invercargill), so Jafa/ChCh/Dunners are missing out.

    • +1

      Pukekohe works if you’re out south - got 4 orders lined up 😅

    • +1

      For anyone that has already used this code since I last posted it but would like some more before the impending March 4th expiry date, you can get a new SIM card and create new Uber accounts to load the code onto.
      Tested working as of tonight, though some people in previous comments mention that it gets stopped potentially after 5 or so new accounts because Uber recognises too many accounts associated with one bank account. Probably not an issue before the expiry date, just fyi.

  • Failing on fresh accounts - coming up as ineligible

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