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Creality Ender-3 V3 SE 3D Printer $319 (in-Store Only) @ Jaycar


Saw they had this on sale in aus on OzBargain(ozbargain.com.au) so checked the NZ site and there is a similar discount here.

A good first 3d printer, easy to set up and print. Had a quick look at the stock checker and it looks like most places have them in stock.

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Jaycar New Zealand
Jaycar New Zealand

closed Comments

  • I've been tempted by this since it was on there but struggling to justify picking one up over just using the one at the local library.

    • I had same dilemma, I think we are pretty spoiled with library offerings. Ended up with one printer anyway and happy with it.

    • TBH, there's better out there. I've got an Ender 3 S1 Pro that I'm more or less tossing - I spend so much time calibrating it vs actually printing that it's simply not fun. If you're in Wellington, hit me up :)

      • how much ?

        • Hell, make an offer.

          • @YCNZ: I'm interested, but I can't send you a PM. I think you have to turn them on in your settings

      • This is the sentiment from Amazon reviews for this printer. Great printer, but only if you're a hobbyist who doesn't mind needing to constantly tinker with it.

  • From experience spend as much as you can afford on a 3d printer to begin with otherwise by the time you start to really get into it you start spending money on mods and you could of just spent more to begin with. I brought a ender 3 v2 but spend quite a bit to upgrade it.

    • The reviews K watched on the model from this deal it sounds like a lot of the quirks that needed augmentation are solved in this machine. It sounded like a good entry level machine that would get you printing quickly and produce reasonable results with minimal hassle. The reviews tended to say it's a decent improvement on the printers that came before it form creality.

  • +1

    I have an Ender 3 v1 and it's been great. The V3 has auto bed levelling built in and is much faster. Tempted to upgrade. The V1s on Trademe seem to sell for about the same price which is crazy.

  • +1

    I just bought it.
    Today is the last day for the sale , so you nee to choose click & collect .
    My Ender V1 works , but I wanted direct drive extruder for TPU , & auto bed leveling .
    Looks like this one also can print ABS , so thats a big bonus .
    Looking on trademe , old Ender3's dont actually sell for much, as low as $180 for an upgraded one, so my old V1 isnt
    worth much unfortunately .

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