If you are a student and got unidays membership, Uber One membership is free for 2 months.
[UNiDAYS] 2 Months Free Uber One Membership @ Uber Eats

Last edited 15/02/2024 - 20:54 by 1 other user
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This still worked for me even though I don't have uni days and have well graduated from uni.
If you don't have Unidays and want the link dm me on Cheapies.
Taking one from Bigcheese's book (with the synergy code) and will only offer it to people who have been active on cheapies (not new accounts, and have commented / posted).Or you can figure out how to find it. :)
Sorry if that comes across a bit pretentious, just feel like people who interact with cheapies should be rewarded first. I'm sure someone will figure it out and post the link.
Just a note. I'd assume you wouldn't be able to redeem if you already have uber one. And I only tested with my personal. Don't have any other accounts to test with so I can't guarantee it will work. But will post here if it works for others.
So does it work for existing uber one accounts or not? I'm confused 🤔
Can confirm - won't work if you currently have Uberone but with an existing account without the sub it works fine
I just followed the link and clicked 'Get Now' on the 2 free months and it just gave it to me without actually verifying my uni after I selected UoA (when creating the account).
mightve been fixed. i created an account and ot told me to loging to uoa portal
I just followed the link in the post and clicked on the picture from the 2 months free offer which opened up my ubereats app and offered me the 2 months free trial. Didn't see a get now button for the 2 months free.
amazing it worked!
Yeah clicking on the picture works and no login required.
Clicking on the little offer square requires a uni days login.
@Billyspleen75: Yes confirmed it's work! Click on the picture will open up UberEATS and straight offer the 2 months free! Cheers
Worked here too. And you can cancel straight away so you don't get charged in 2 months.
Excellent that worked. Cancelled the sub as well and membership is now active till 16th Apr.
@ace310: Will you still get credit back (certain deals) if the membership is cancelled since they remove your card details?
:( didnt work for me - says I am not eligible, even though I am not on uber one at the moment (but have had it in the past). Anyone else had the same?
check my post below, and see if it works for you.
what a legend! it worked :)
Guys, click on this url from your phone, and it should open up UberEat app and redeem the 2 months free automatically.
It worked, thanks
Cheers. Just took advantage of this.
Awesome, thanks!