Was shopping for a new email (and website domain)
Found some I liked (firstname@lastname.kiwi.nz) then found this code after filling in a profile survey.
This website is usually one of the cheapest for domains anyway then 5% off makes it a winner.
Was shopping for a new email (and website domain)
Found some I liked (firstname@lastname.kiwi.nz) then found this code after filling in a profile survey.
This website is usually one of the cheapest for domains anyway then 5% off makes it a winner.
Does CloudFlare do .nz domains now?
Aah, I see. Op didn't mention only .nz domains so thought.
Cloudflare doesn't offer .co.nz, kiwi.nz, or various other domains so for those I guess this is cheaper, but for everything else I think you're right in that cloudflare is cheaper
If it's not too late, please don't choose Crazy Domains, horrible company. Metaname is great for .nz domains and it's only a few $ more per year.
I've had my first domain with them for 2 years no issues? Please share your personal experience
It works until you actually need support, then it's awful. I had a domain with them a few years ago and I had a billing issue with my account. They took more than a week to get back to me with a real answer.
i had the same experience, i had trouble for months so i joined a nz company and the support was what made me switch over.
they purchased a nz company (openhost i think) and the transition was a mess for me
Okay I guess I've never required support from them. I'll prepare my brace position for when the time comes.
All of my new domain purchases have gone through and my new websites / emails are up and running even since making this post. I encountered no problems that couldn't be solved with some developer level googling or stack over flowing.
+1 for metaname
I have a 13 domains with them. Things are very slow with them, transfers are slow, propagation is slow but eventually you are just buying a domain and using Cloud flare for DNS so its fine. They have chat support which kind of works most of the time. They did a terrible price bump and had sent out an email about increasing renewals. Its a bit of a hit and miss but I would pick them over Godaddy or Namecheap.
Have you checked against cloudflare?