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Free Dual USB Car Charger - Zapals (New Registrants)


The next freebie from Zapals.

To claim your dual USB Car Charger

  1. Register a free account
  2. Choose your dual USB Car Charger from the items listed on the page and add to cart
  3. Enter coupon code ZAPALS151209 in your shopping cart or during checkout
  4. Complete checkout
  5. Receive your awesome free dual USB car charger courtesy of Zapals

Sevenofnine via OzBargain(ozbargain.com.au)

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closed Comments

  • coupon wont work. same for everyone?

    • docent work for me

  • Yip I tried earlier and it did not work.

  • Did not work for me either

    • +2

      received a few free items and received zero spam.

      keep them coming please

    • Also thought it was de rigueur for online bargain hunters, to have one or more email accounts set up especially for registering on potentially dodgy websites etc.

      Certainly shouldn't be using your main email accounts for this sort of thing. If keeping track of too many email addresses is difficult, can usually set up a redirect and filters from subsidiary email addys into a central email. Also helps prevent market profiling and possible ID theft.

      Perhaps we need some instructables on bargain buying strategies etc. etc.

    • No one on ozbargain have proved that all the people who got spammed applied for solely that freebie and the site rep has denied anything to do with it.

      • These kind of offers also provide a nice test run with minimal risk. Gives you an idea of the ordering process, how long it takes etc.

        Feel a lot more confident in putting through a larger order, once I'd actually received something from them. Pay with Paypal and there is little risk of losing your precious investment of $0.0 - $2. If too many emails, can always unsubscribe.

  • Managed to claim the deal earlier on, but you had to be logged in to Zapals first, and have cookies enabled for it to work. Also there is only so many on offer so they may have given away the allocation

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