China Southern: Return AKL/CHC to Shanghai $449/ $515, Beijing $544/ $515, Kunming $596/ $521, Xi'an $530/ $515 and More @ BTF


Massive drop since last time, especially from Christchurch!. China Southern has delivered the goods, competing with Hainan's deals on routes to cities in China. The advantage for South Islanders is that China Southern also flies from Christchurch…

All flights include 2x32kg and generally fly via Guangzhou, but check when you click through.


Auckland to Shanghai from $449 return
Auckland to Beijing from $544 return
Auckland to Chengdu from $592 return
Auckland to Wuhan from $887 return
Auckland to Chongqing from $500 return
Auckland to Xiamen from $755 return
Auckland to Fuzhou from $740 return
Auckland to Nanking from $553 return
Auckland to Xi'an from $530 return
Auckland to Kunming from $496 return
Auckland to Changsha from $521 return
Auckland to Zhengzhou from $776 return
Auckland to Hangzhou from $554 return
Christchurch to Shanghai from $515 return
Christchurch to Beijing from $515 return
Christchurch to Chengdu from $515 return
Christchurch to Wuhan from $515 return
Christchurch to Chongqing from $522 return
Christchurch to Xiamen from $512 return
Christchurch to Fuzhou from $506 return
Christchurch to Nanking from $515 return
Christchurch to Xi'an from $515 return
Christchurch to Kunming from $521 return
Christchurch to Changsha from $506 return
Christchurch to Zhengzhou from $521 return
Christchurch to Hangzhou from $515 return

Example flights

Auckland - Shanghai on China Southern

Auckland - Beijing on China Southern

Auckland - Chengdu on China Southern

Auckland - Wuhan on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$962 16 Oct to 10 Nov
$962 20 Oct to 30 Oct
$887 1 Nov to 26 Nov
$888 1 Nov to 11 Dec
$962 9 Nov to 19 Nov
$962 9 Nov to 4 Dec

Auckland - Chongqing on China Southern

Auckland - Xiamen on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$755 20 Oct to 9 Dec
$755 1 Nov to 21 Nov
$755 1 Nov to 26 Nov
$755 13 Nov to 8 Dec

Auckland - Fuzhou on China Southern

Auckland - Nanking on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$671 16 Oct to 25 Nov
$553 20 Oct to 30 Oct
$559 24 Oct to 18 Nov
$571 1 Nov to 21 Nov

Auckland - Xi'an on China Southern

Auckland - Kunming on China Southern

Auckland - Changsha on China Southern

Auckland - Zhengzhou on China Southern

Auckland - Hangzhou on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$622 20 Oct to 9 Nov
$622 24 Oct to 18 Nov
$622 28 Oct to 2 Dec
$622 1 Nov to 11 Nov
$554 1 Nov to 16 Nov
$554 1 Nov to 11 Dec

Christchurch - Shanghai on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$515 28 Oct to 12 Nov
$515 1 Nov to 16 Nov
$521 1 Nov to 1 Dec
$515 9 Nov to 24 Nov
$515 13 Nov to 28 Nov
$521 17 Nov to 7 Dec

Christchurch - Beijing on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$521 28 Oct to 7 Nov
$515 1 Nov to 16 Nov
$522 1 Nov to 1 Dec
$522 17 Nov to 7 Dec

Christchurch - Chengdu on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$515 28 Oct to 12 Nov
$515 1 Nov to 16 Nov
$521 1 Nov to 1 Dec
$515 9 Nov to 24 Nov
$515 13 Nov to 28 Nov
$522 17 Nov to 12 Dec

Christchurch - Wuhan on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$515 28 Oct to 12 Nov
$522 28 Oct to 22 Nov
$515 9 Nov to 24 Nov
$522 9 Nov to 29 Nov

Christchurch - Chongqing on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$595 1 Nov to 11 Nov
$595 1 Nov to 21 Nov
$595 1 Nov to 26 Nov
$595 9 Nov to 19 Nov
$522 9 Nov to 29 Nov

Christchurch - Xiamen on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$574 28 Oct to 12 Dec
$574 1 Nov to 16 Nov
$574 1 Nov to 26 Nov
$574 9 Nov to 19 Nov
$512 9 Nov to 29 Nov

Christchurch - Fuzhou on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$582 1 Nov to 16 Nov
$506 9 Nov to 24 Nov

Christchurch - Nanking on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$583 28 Oct to 12 Nov
$583 28 Oct to 12 Dec
$583 1 Nov to 6 Dec
$515 9 Nov to 24 Nov
$521 9 Nov to 29 Nov

Christchurch - Xi'an on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$582 28 Oct to 7 Nov
$582 28 Oct to 12 Dec
$582 1 Nov to 16 Nov
$591 1 Nov to 6 Dec
$521 9 Nov to 19 Nov
$558 9 Nov to 29 Nov

Christchurch - Kunming on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$582 28 Oct to 12 Nov
$582 28 Oct to 12 Dec
$591 1 Nov to 21 Nov
$582 1 Nov to 26 Nov
$522 1 Nov to 1 Dec
$521 9 Nov to 29 Nov

Christchurch - Changsha on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$512 28 Oct to 7 Nov
$513 28 Oct to 12 Dec
$512 9 Nov to 19 Nov
$506 13 Nov to 28 Nov

Christchurch - Zhengzhou on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$592 28 Oct to 12 Nov
$522 28 Oct to 17 Nov
$522 1 Nov to 26 Nov
$521 13 Nov to 23 Nov

Christchurch - Hangzhou on China Southern

Return Price Travel Dates
$591 28 Oct to 12 Dec
$591 1 Nov to 6 Dec
$591 9 Nov to 19 Nov
$515 9 Nov to 24 Nov
$515 17 Nov to 27 Nov

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China Southern Airlines
China Southern Airlines


  • +1

    Those flights from Christchurch are very appealing, especially since the travel time is significantly shorter than usual, only 16 to 17 hours.

    • +2

      I know right?! Beats first flying to AKL/SYD and onwards, with multiple connections.

  • +2

    man love these deals. No more leave for me for this year. Have to save some first :D

  • +1

    I get back from a trip on the 27th and still genuinely considered one of those flights from Christchurch on the 28th hahaha.

  • +2

    So given these flights go via Guangzhou are there not any deals to go only there? Searching fights that only go there show up as more expensive than ones with an additional transfer flight. In there terms it states 'no show' fees of $400 NZD.

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