Go By Bike Day is a one-day event on February 10 where thousands of Kiwis ditch their cars or trains and buses - and cycle to work or school. As part of the day, many councils/locations have organised free breakfast. I've highlighted a few below:
- Auckland-North Shore(at.govt.nz)
Celebrate national Go By Bike Day and come in for a free coffee and muffin for cyclists between 7 and 9am.
- Blenheim(bikewise.co.nz)
Swing by for your free Go By Bike Day breakfast.
- Christchurch(bikewise.co.nz)
Breakfast events, including free food, Bike Wise giveaways, bike maintenance checks and electric bike rides are available at Community Public Health, CPIT, the Antigua Boatsheds, Meridian (104 Moorhouse Ave) and Matai Street.
- Dunedin(dunedin.govt.nz)
We're celebrating Go By Bike Day as part of Bikewise month by kicking off your day with a free breakfast just for turning up on your bicycle. So ride on over to the Upper Octagon between 6:45-9am on Wednesday 10 February for coffee, tea, croissants, fresh fruit salad, yoghurt, muesli, and OJ.
- Hastings(iway.org.nz)
Everyone who bikes in will receive a FREE breakfast (mmmmmmm bacon butties) and will get the opportunity to win heaps of prizes. What’s more, there will be live entertainment, you’ll get some fresh air and you would have done your workout for the day. Yaaaa hoo!
- Nelson(itson.co.nz)
To celebrate your ride, Nelson is holding a free breakfasts for cyclists at 1903 Square (top of Trafalgar Street) with giveaways and other entertainment.
- Rangiora(facebook.com)
There’s a $100 Pushbikes voucher up for grabs plus discounts, giveaways and free coffee and fruit to keep those energy levels up.
- Richmond(bikewise.co.nz)
To celebrate your ride, head along to Richmond's Sundial Square for free breakfasts for cyclists with giveaways and other entertainment.
- Takaka(bikewise.co.nz)
A FREE breakfast of English muffins, conserves and juices whether you are on your way to work, school or just out for an early ride.
- Taupo(facebook.com)
Enjoy a tasty free breakfast from 7am at the water treatment plant followed by a bike ride with Mayor David Trewavas.
- Tauranga(bikewise.co.nz)
Go By Bike Day pit stop - Stop here on your cycle commute to school, work or a recreational morning ride. Pick up some water and fruit and go into a lucky draw for Go By Bike Day.
- Wellington(upperhuttcity.com)
The free breakfast for cyclists will be available from 7.00 am on the Wednesday 10 February at the Upper Hutt Civic Centre. Please bring a gold coin for barrista coffee.
Nice, this would be interesting, shame I A) don't have a bike, and b) am not in Hastings on that day!