The Sony Store in Wellington CBD is closing down, all products discounted although at the moment the better deals seem to be on audio equipment and cameras. TV's and mobiles aren't massively discounted yet however I think given time they will increase the discounts.
Unfortunately many of these deals are from my memory on Monday so I might have gotten some wrong and I apologise for the lack of detail.
- 50% off headphones
- 50% off home audio
- Loads of discounted cameras (Looks like 50% but don't want to say it's a blanket discount).
- 50% off camera lenses
Deals I remember exact pricing for:
- SonyAction Camera $200 (Lowest instock price on pricespy $307.30
- Sony bluetooth mini hifi system $200 (Previous price $400).
Overheard staff saying their last day is 27th March, all warranties will still be valid but you will need to send products away for assessment.
If someone else is Wellington City based it would be great if they could get some more details and update OP!
Source: Geekzone(
Oh man, at times like this I wish I live down South at Welly haha, the other time being me stuck in horrible Auckland peak hour traffic. Would love to get a mirrorless Sony + Lenses set.