More beloved Eneloop deals this Easter Weekend @ PB Tech!!!
Panasonic Eneloop Pro AA [2550mAh] 4pk( - $18.40
These are manufactured in JAPAN and are higher capacity (550mAh) unlike normal Eneloop! And they are really popular in OzBargain( Normally $32.99 @ Noel Leeming
Panasonic Eneloop K-KJ18MCC4TA ENELOOP overnight charger +4pk AA Rechargeable Batteries pack( - $17.25
These are as low as they go, haven't seen price like this since late last year!
Panasonic Eneloop K-KJ51MCC4TA ENELOOP overnight charger +4pk AA Rechargeable Batteries pack( - $21.79
Panasonic Eneloop 2 hour Quick Charger + 4pk AA Rechargeable Batteries pack( - $32.78
Normally cost around $64.99 @ Noel Leeming and Dick Smith!!
There's a saying in OzBargain, you're not a true OzBargainer if you don't own any Eneloop, and I believe it's the same case here in ChoiceCheapies, so you're not a true Cheapies if you don't own these battery! Eneloops are literally one of the best consumer grade rechargeable battery you can get! So don't miss out!
Use "PRCMEFREE" for free shipping!
Anyone have any idea the differences between the two overnight chargers they sell??
Panasonic K-KJ18MCC4TA ENELOOP overnight charger
Panasonic K-KJ51MCC4TA ENELOOP overnight charger +4