This was posted 8 years 6 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Bigpipe Two Months Free, No Connection Fee, Half-Price Modem & Access to The Brand New Bigpipe App When You Sign Up


Was about to sign up for Big Pipe for a new place Im moving into but the cheapie inside me made me look for a deal.
They have had the same deal or similar deal before.
Save $49 connection fee, and 2 months free internet.
No contract (so dunno if you can leave after two months, I plan to stay on with them)

I also used when searching, they offer $10 cash back when signed up via them, plus additonal $5 for liking them on facebook.
Unsure if I will get the $15 cash back, but will wait and see.

Good deal if someone is thinking of changing providers or switching to a naked plan.

Referral Links

Referral: random (2)

Both referee & referrer receive $20 credit.

Related Stores


closed Comments

    • Damn, should've done this!, already done my sign up.

  • Rather than referral links in the comments, which is against the rules, feel free to create a wiki page and link to that, and then everyone else can add their own url aswell.

    • +1

      Sorry :(
      Ummm so how? There's edit on the far right but no New??

      • +1

        No worries, to create a new page, you just edit the URL, like this:

        And then create from there, following formatting from the other referral pages.

        • Done, i think.

        • @Huntakillaz:

          Actually, nevermind.

          I've just discussed with Scotty, and he's going to add BigPipe into the referral system. I'll edit this with some instructions when it is.

        • @Shaw: '

          lol, nooo all my hard work!

        • +1


          Haha, didn't even think about it until after the fact.

          Atleast you know how to create wiki pages now :)

          BigPipe has now been added to the referral system, and your credentials have been added already, as they were in the wiki.

          To access the referral system, you can either goto My Account > Settings > Referrals, or just click on edit in the referral box above.

    • Been thinking of making a forum about the referral system. I created a few wiki pages for referral links (Stack social, Pureprofile) and was wondering wether they could be added? Also could there a forum like on OzBargain where I could suggest new websites for the referral system?

  • definitely recommend bigpipe. email support > phone support.

  • i took advantage of the original deal just like this one. very happy so far. fibre speeds piss all over Orcon

    • I had the opposite experience, but after a month of back & forward emails (100+) it finally got sorted and haven't had issues since. On a side note Chorus is still shit.

  • Just got fibre on my street and am looking for a new ISP, any recommendations? Would be looking for 200mb and a static IP.

  • +1

    Its back for another 10 days

    • sweet, have updated expiry

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