• expired

$1 Delivered OneSquareMeal Postcard Pack (4 Sample Bites - Equivalent Value $5)


This popped up on my FB newsfeed yesterday - seems like reasonable value especially given they are delivered to your door. A pack of 8 bites onsale at New World is $10 so i'd say around $5 is the normal value of the four of these snack size bars - even if the website is claiming a $7.45 value :)

Unsure of promotion expiry so will leave it open ended for now.

It’s the best way to find your favourite OSM. Over $7.45 of value for just $1.95.
Each OSM Postcard Pack contains the equivalent of One Square Meal – that’s exactly 1/3 of what you need to power your day.

In four great flavours: Almond with Vanilla, Chocolate with Manuka Honey, Apricot with Manuka Honey and Cranberry Blackcurrant

Payment via CreditCard or Paypal - delivery by NZ Post.

It may be possible to get this offer for $1 using this link(osm.nz), cheers to Hamster,

Or just use the code from the offer Hamster offered to get $1 off your order using the code "influencercoupon" (Thanks to ClipIt for pointing this out)

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closed Comments

  • even if the website is claiming a $7.45 value :)

    Would be including shipping.

    Looks interesting, might grab one to try.

    • +1

      Yeah suppose so - they also have their products priced higher than supermarket though so was a little tough to work out value.

      Figured most people would pick them up from the store rather than website - suppose i'm thinking of real value! Haha

    • +1

      They're good for having with meals etc. on tramps. Flavour wise they just taste like cheap muesli bars (well, chocolate and cranberry, the other two are good!). I'm planning to get a few (if possible, using different email/debit card).

      They check by ip. Will see if they check by anything else.

  • +2

    Several can be purchased using the same address and and payment method, just clear your cookies between each order, also ip address doesn't matter.

    • -1

      All three of mine have been sent today :D

  • +4

    So you can actually get this for $1.00. I search osm postcard pack and went to this link https://www.osm.nz/post-competition-osm-ppoffer/ and it makes it $1 by taking 95 cents off. It seems to think you've entered a competition hence why it takes off the price.

    • +1

      Or use the coupon influencercoupon

  • Updated deal to reflect it is possible to get it for $1 although I haven't tested this. My $1.95 order has had a shipping confirmation :)

    • Might want to change to deal URL or add the coupon influencercoupon (in the coupon box), I have tested it. Going to order some later today.

      • One of the mods updated it I believe :)

  • Sent an order with the new link!

  • +2

    Held off at $2, have had some before and they were ok, but will happily try the other flavors for $1. SMH…

  • Cookie Time International LTD, interesting.

    • Yup same company. You see the franchise owned vans with cookie time on one side and OSM on the other. Do bumper bar too (assuming they're still making them)

    • As rkl said - same company, it's why they're in the same display stands often at the supermarket :)

      • Sweet, never knew that. No concern or anything, just didn't know.

        • It does seem interesting that they're almost deliberately distancing themselves from cookie time in the branding.

        • @asmcar: there's a link in the footer to cookie time.

  • hmmm, at $1 I might get a couple more, make it ~6months worth, nice find guys.

    Beware, the $1 one appears to create an account with them (they set a username and pass, didn't happen with my $2 orders last night)

  • Thanks, have managed to order a couple

  • +1

    Mine was ordered Sunday, posted Monday and arrived Wednesday so pretty quick turn around.

  • Just put my order through. Cheers OP and Hamster.

  • I put through two orders the other day and both have now shipped.

  • +7

    I don't feel very safe or comfortable in posting to this site anymore. So I'll keep this very brief.

    For those down Christchurch way, Cookie Time, creator of the One Square Meal product line, have a factory shop(cookietime.co.nz) just south of Christchurch on the main highway.

    This has always been a great shop but was significantly upgraded last year. It is also becoming a bit of a tourist stop, with lots of historical displays on the history of the company. They also have a display describing how the One Square Meal product was researched and developed.

    Products at the shop are at wholesale prices, with even cheaper prices on broken seconds stock. Buying the OSM product here has always been much cheaper than in the supermarkets. Well worth a visit if going past. They have very shopper friendly hours.

    • +1

      Sorry you feel that way Jay, but thanks for the tip. :)

    • cookie time seconds? totally going there on my next trip to chch.

    • +1

      I don't feel very safe or comfortable in posting to this site anymore.

      I noticed you had stopped commenting, I really appreciate your comments on here and they are way above the average comment. Don't think I've ever neg'd you :). Please come back and start commenting again!

    • +1

      Shipping kills it, but you can order the bags of broken cookies here https://www.cookietime.co.nz/pdf/FSPOF0615_Product_Order_For…

  • Was going to leave this but for a buck worth a try.

  • First two just arrived, within 3 days of order. WOW!

  • +1

    Opened and tried one of these today. Favourite was the chocolate, then the almond, then cranberry, and apricot.

    Thanks OP, worth for $1!

  • +5

    Found another URL http://www.osm.nz/snackbar-pack/ this is $1 for two snack bars and you can choose the flavours.
    Apply the coupon "influencercoupon" for $0.95 off, so $0.05 delivered.

    • So that's the same quantity, just you can choose the flavours?

      • Yup, two big bars instead of 4 small bars.

        • Sweet.

    • +1

      Looks like you have to use Paypal as Credit Card minimum is 50c

    • Cheers, amazing. Think it's worth a new post so I've made a deal :)

  • Coupon usage limit has been reached.


  • And then trying another browser

    Sorry, the minimum allowed order total is 0.50 to use this payment method.

    • Use Paypal :)

      • ok resurrected my paypal with a balance of 0.54c and used it. Good times thanks.

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