75% off, rrp $99.99
Single temperature iron, can be changed prior to switching the iron on.
75% off, rrp $99.99
Single temperature iron, can be changed prior to switching the iron on.
Not a problem. I have one at home but considering of getting one as a spare!
Free shipping with code FREEFORFEB
one temperature? what about those silky shirts that need a very very less amount of heat?
Has anybody used such irons before?
You're right. This ain't a deal.
Looks like it will be alright with it, just change the steam dial. (Page 9).
"I was intrigued as to how the ‘One Temperature’ system worked on this iron. Basically the temperature is the same for all fabrics but you have to adjust the steam control from no steam to max steam depending on what you are ironing. You need to refer to the iron manual and the care instructions on your garment to know which steam setting to have the iron on which I found a bit annoying. I found that for the majority of fabrics, the steam control needed to be at maximum level or there would still be creases in the garment. This meant that I was filling the iron up with water more regularly than I would normally.
Overall I found the Kambrook Fabriguard One Temperature Iron did a great job at removing creases from my clothes quite quickly and without sticking. I wasn’t sold on the ‘one temperature’ feature and would have preferred just a standard temperature dial with the different fabrics written on it!"
Just found another Deal
Tefal Ultraglide FV4042 Iron 2400 Watt. Was $139.99. NOW$59.99
Add Promo Code: FREEFORFEB and you get free local delivery too, boom!
Yea, there is a comment above saying that :)
Great timing, my flat mate dropped mine and now leaks water constantly!
Appreciate it!