Get $95 discount on a Hungry Bin composter using the code DOMARCO1.
Normal price is $325, but applying the discount code gives $95 discount (approx. 29%), bringing the price down to $230.
Note delivery is extra (Freight costs $11.50 to the North Island, $34.50 to the South Island & Waiheke & other islands. Rural additional $5.).
Collection from Onehunga is available only when Auckland is back in Level 2.
Obviously quite expensive for a composter, but well made, compact and easy to maintain and manoeuvre (can sit on a deck for example) and the I like the design since it keeps the vermin out.
Don't forget to get some worms as well, either from Hungry Bin (for an extra $50 for 500gms, or alternatively perhaps a little cheaper on on Trademe).
We have had our Hungry Bin for over a decade now and love it. Its easy, no hassle, clean and did I mention easy. Would certainly buy again if for some reason ours disappeared.