New code on app for $20 off $200 spend, combined with $5 off makes $25 off.
Plus don't forget a further $20 off using zip!
$25 off $200 Spend (via app) @ The Warehouse

Last edited 28/11/2021 - 22:02
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& Zip
Edit - I’m blind. Already mentioned in original post 🤓
No your eyes are fine I did a quick edit!
Good time to pick up the latest Kindle Paperwhite (11th GEN) - 8GB( + any $1 item for $175 delivered (with free shipping code). Take another $20 off if paying with ZIP too. Bargain price.
$149.99 = $194.99 - $5.00 - $20.00 - $20.00. Success on third attempt at Price Promise with PB Tech. First rejected because limited quantity offer. Second rejected because Chat Agent was URL challenged. Third was accepted by telephone and approved by manager.
Damn, already burned the Zip for Warehouse
Looking at a freezer but only available in store! What a pain.
Do you know what the biggest size chest freezer they sell mate?
No I don't sorry! I was just looking at a small chest freezer with their current discount.
Lol I asked to price beat/match an item and got told :
"We are unable to do a Price Promise for this due to the item is far from the price of our item in store. Here's the link of our policy in Price Promise: Anything else? "
And then they ended the chat.
But I certainly don't see anything that says it has to be within a certain range in that link 🤣 or I'm blindWhat item were you trying for?
A Seagate HDD
Another refused because the website was copyright 2019 for the competitor website and not 2021.
I've had them recently hang up on me as well. Plain rude from a customer service perspective. I've noticed as well that the longer it takes usually means that it's not likely to be accepted.
@L3tstaxth1s: The Warehouse has a history of denying price matches whenever that feel like it.
About 2 years ago I tried to do an in-store price beat for some Brita water filters against Countdown, and they told me flat out that they won't honour their price beat, despite me showing the fine print on their website.
@Avantime: And there's no proof unless you're recording the conversation or screen recording the chat
Coz they can say the text transcript was fudged etc
@L3tstaxth1s: They ended the chat on me multiple times the other day when i was asking for price beat on ps5 cosmic red controller. I didn’t give and kept trying until i got somebody who could help me rather than giving lame excuses
@offroad: I got nowhere with Live Chat yesterday and today. Both days I ended up getting Price Match by telephone.
The Warehouse has gone insane. In the past week half a dozen agents refused my price match requests because the competitor's is having a Black Friday sale. What the hell!!
Then one agent also asked for my physical Warehouse store, when they saw that particular Warehouse store didn't have stock they refused price match! This is crazy because when I buy online 90% of the time they ship from Auckland.
Also, many agents disconnect the chat as soon as they see a request for price match. Jules is the worst of them all.
Lol the excuses they're coming up with today is great!
Agent -The link from the competitor's item has an error. I can't access the link.
Me -…
Agent - It still an error.
Me - goto ascents website and search for STEA4000400 - I'll have to look into that.
Agent - I can't still access the website.
Me - not even by tyring out the address
typingAgent - Its access denied. For now, anything else that I can help you with?
Yep, I also got denied a price match from the warehouse about 1 hour ago and was told that they do not price match when both stores have the item on sale. Then link me to their price promise terms and conditions that doesn't even have what they told me.
I've had that recently as well, more than once. Sorry the link doesn't work, then proceeds to hang up on me.
Probably had their IT team block all competitior websites to their CS agents lol
"sorry access denied. can't price match. bye"
the agent is outside NZ. ascent, mightyape (will return a 403 forbidden) and a few retailers here block international IPs. try going on VPN and ascent will not be accessible.
@huffboy: That really doesn't help when their Price Promise states these two things:
For online price matching, the product must have the same barcode, priced on the same day, same freight and shipping lead times and be from a NZ based retailer with a website only and delivered from within NZ only.
To redeem the Price Promise Guarantee online, the customer needs to Contact us
A good business's customer service would have a workaround for such an issue, such as transferring the Customer to a NZ based Staff member.
@Huntakillaz: A lot of wriggle room around the freight and shipping lead times…. Particular if they have no idea the location of the warehouse that a competitor is supplying from.
comcom really needs to look into their price matching tactics… i've resorted to uploading screenshots to imgur when they lie about website access… sending emails is another way they weasle out of it
anyone with the shareholders meeting code?
Anyone know if the below is doable in-store?
Pricematch Xbox Series S Harvey Norman vs. The Warehouse
Pay $230 with gift cards = $305
Pay $25 with MClub offers = $280
Pay the rest with Zip (-$20) = $260That will work except you can only use one market club offer per transaction
That's alright then. Just take away the $5 off $50 offer.
I don't understand problem. $5 and $20 stack.
Edit: I do understand problem. You are shopping in-store.
Your can use multiple on The Warehouse site, but only one on The Market.
Only issue was Zip. Couldn’t pay half with gift cards and half with Zip. Had to be all or nothing.
$20 off MClub, $230 in gift cards, the rest in cash.
How do we apply the $20 and $5 discounts? Is there a code given?
They are 2 separate codes that you add to your wallet in app…
Ahh thanks, had to join market club or whatever its called before it showed :)
I still don't know what to buy
The cheapest option is nothing 😄
When in doubt, stock up on bog roll
Anyone know when this ends exactly? Can't find it in app
most likely today or tommorrow, based on what happened on singles day
$20 off code ends November 28 (says in the app "expires 28/11/21 at 23:59")
$5 off $50 ends Tuesday November 30Answered 13 seconds before me.
thanks! Couldn't see the time anywhere. Looks like we're going to go in-store tomorrow and try on some school uniform.
I was wondering the same thing. Before using I think I saw tomorrow for expiry.
Can I stack $20, plus $5, then pay by Zip if I shop in store please?
Can't use the $5, only one of the mclub offers, so just $20 mclub + $20 zip.
Going blind am I? can't see any code here for the warehouse app for $20, help.
You have to claim the discount via the app, it's one per account. If you can't see the deal in the app you may have to scroll to the right on the my offers bit on the main screen to see it. Expires midnight tonight
Got it, thanks a lot!
Price match successfully done but now the MarketClub offers aren’t being added when I go to checkout, anyone know how I can get them to get added? I’ve already added them to my wallet
If you add the Offers to Wallet then they automatically apply to Your Cart before Checkout. Are you using The Warehouse app or website?
It’s managed to work! Seems like it just took a while for it to refresh and load back up after the price match :)
anything good? what did you all get?
bought the kindle for mama
Ugh now they drop it