• expired

Friends & Family Offer: Up to 60% off RRP (Exclusions Apply) @ Torpedo7


The up to 50% off deal was popular so thought I might as well post this up to 60% off offer.

In-store and online.

Linked image is from a random school.

Alternative, Uniquely Nelson(uniquelynelson.nz)

How to redeem:

In-store - Show the above flyer. Store staff will either scan the barcode or enter the 3 digit code below the barcode.

Online - See the promo code on the flyer to use at the online checkout: 94A92F91

Terms and Conditions: Discounts are off RRP. If the product is already on promotion customer will receive the lower offer or promo pricing. Not all products are eligible for a discount. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Excludes Electronics, Freight, Gift Cards and Workshop Services.

VALID FROM 16/09/2022 – 2nd October 2022

Other codes worth trying: Hospitality NZ

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Cheers OP - be interesting to see how this compares to the Hospo code.
    Biggest advantage is you can use it in-store, as opposed to online only with Hospo.

    • +1

      With the hospo, i went to see a bike the other day in store, the staff was so helpful and said she could order it from her system for me, i said i wanna use hospo code and she didn’t even ask me for my id or the code, she did everything for me

      • +1

        I've had same experience in the pass. They just order it for me with the Hospo discount instore.

    • Hospo isn't online only. Every code you can use online can also be used it store - they have a drop drop box in-store with every discount code available, so they can also compare discounts on each one.

      • By online only I was meaning for those that aren't genuine Hospitality Association members - ie the majority on this site!
        It was more chancing being asked for an ID card than anything else.
        If you can get the discount in-store without being asked to prove membership then all the better.

        • +1

          Always depends on the store/staff member. T7 staff work on commission so if you get someone who knows what they're doing they'll happily apply an even bigger discount than hospo if you know what to ask for. N3 trade is probably the best discount, and if you tell them you left your phone at home with the N3 app on it they'll probably just give it to you anyway else they lose out on the sale.

          • @chunder: That's good to know about N3.
            I have access to that but never tried it at T7.
            Is it better than the hospo code?

            • @bigcheese: N3 boost is probably similar, N3 trade is one of the best.

              • @chunder: Sweet. Mines the N3 trade card.
                I need to check it out instore.

  • Thanks - Tried online and says the coupon has expired?

    • +3

      VALID FROM 16/09/2022 – 2nd October 2022

      • Oops - thanks!

  • +1

    Be interesting to see what the discount is like for bikes and frames.

    • Had a really interesting experience in store over the weekend where someone wanted to purchase a bike but if you go in and buy a bike, you can’t take it away and assemble it, T7 must assemble it themselves for warranty purposes and the current wait time at the Dunedin store was about 2 weeks

      I kind of understood why they did this but couldn’t find this process documented anywhere

      • +2

        Some of the brands like Trek stipulate this as part of the quality control process - that it is assembled by a (certified) trained technician to ensure the consumer get the right experience. PITA as it rules out some brands for the Hospo codes. Bikes are coming down in price following the blowouts from Covid and logistics problems.

      • This is only for 3rd party brands. Anyone can assemble the T7 bikes themselves if they want, but unless you're experienced, there's no benefit in assembling a brand name bike over having a trained mechanic do it.

  • +1

    Sometime in the future;

    Terms and Conditions: This deal is for friends and family's of xxx school. If this is shared on the internet (choice cheapies) then this deal will no longer be valid.

    • +2

      😄if that happens, I'll put you all under my PSA account. ChoiceCheapies Union.

      Can anyone else with PSA confirm that your code ends with 0D and the three digit number ends with 0?

  • nice !

  • Deal is now active with code LOYALTY22(flybuys.co.nz)

    The other codes will work from the 16th onwards.

    Did a test on a T7 water bottle. Hosp code was better. Yet to test on bikes, frames etc.

    • +3

      I'm looking for a cheap bike at the moment so had a quick look.

      Seems to vary a lot by brand, model, and whats already on sale.

      Some bikes have no discount with either code, and most are cheaper with HNZ code. But others like this one(torpedo7.co.nz) are cheaper with the above code

  • Does T7 ever run a x% off STORE WIDE promo?

    There's an item I want and tried a whole heap of codes but it's never discounted :-/

  • Looking to buy ACR ResQLink™ 400 GPS PLB which is $500 online.
    Can someone please tell me what price will I get with Friends and Family and what price with Hospitality Code? Which code is cheaper and can I buy using these codes online? Thanks


    • +1

      No discount with either code.

      You can test the F&F code yourself. Yes you can buy online using these codes.

      Slightly cheaper here

      • Its showing as $549 now. That's sad. How is this possible? $50 increase in a few days. Can we do anything about it?

        • +1

          They can charge whatever they like for it - this is the shelf price with no discount.
          You could try asking them on the chat function to honour the old price but not really any point as you can still get it for less than the $499 they had it for by using the student code I mentioned here.
          Not as cheap as it was but takes it down to $467.49.

    • +4

      Use the Student Code SCQ122
      It's not expired - just that the post hasn't been flagged as a long term code.
      This will give you 15% off ($75) taking it down to $424.99 for click & collect. You can use it online.

    • +1

      Get PLBs cheaper on Skippersmate.
      You can get an Australian coded one for $100 less

      All my beacons are Aus coded. They are all for international use. Just have to use the Australian database for recording your details. All beacon distress signals in Oceania go through the Australia base.

  • +2

    Thanks for sharing. This is awesome. Just for fun, I thought I'll try something. 12 days ago, I bought 3 different bike locks. Total was $105.16 (after using a promo code I got from Cheapies at the time). The same 3 bike locks today, 2 had their price increased by $10 and the 3rd increased by $12. Even after using the 94A92F91 coupon, Total: $115.96. Or using the Hospitality code, the Total: $111.01. So, I'm actually worst off buying it today than I did 12 days ago using either promo codes. Something to be aware of because T7 just increased the prices of all 3 products by at least $10 each.

    • +3

      Also, if you ever see a deal you're thinking about taking advantage of, take screenshots. There have been a few times where T7 has increased the price within a sale, and then pretended like nothing happened (if you don't provide evidence).

  • any good idea to buy? thanks

  • @Wakrak Please add this code to the list N3EOW22
    Just received it today and it works for both Noel Leeming and Torpedo7

    • Hey Ned, that code did not work for me for NL. Any tricks to it?

      • It's because that code is for Torpedo only.
        The Noel Leeming offer is in-store unless you have an N3 card and starts tomorrow, 17th Sept.
        I've just posted it here

        The email from N3 is a bit confusing as at first glance it appears you can use the N3 code at both Torpedo & Noel Leeming.
        Unfortunately, only online at Torpedo.

        • Ahhh thanks mate that makes sense.

  • Awesome, thanks. $80 off running shoes :-)

  • Went to use it on a Camelbak. Came out more exp than club price still. Bummer got too excited too quickly!

  • Cheers. Got me a 50% discount

  • Hey OP, just got a new flyer from work with code 727650A2. Might be worth adding to the original post. Up to 60% off as well.


    • Can do. They all do the same thing so doesn't really matter, but the more the merrier.

      Update: Can't add it anyway. Looks like I've reached the word limit for the code box.

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