This was posted 2 years 4 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Updated Hospitality NZ Code @ Torpedo7


Shout out to the original T7 HNZ organiser Bigcheese.

The Hospitality Code offers a generous discount on a large range of Torpedo7 product lines, but not everything. Some things like bikes get little to no discount.

To those of you who have the previous code:

  • Take the code i.e. HNZ*******
  • Add a Q after the Z.
  • Subtract 1979899 from the old number.

For example, if the last code was HNZ2057327 then it would now be HNZQ77428

Going to follow Bigcheese's example and ask the following of anyone who can't figure it out or who didn't have the previous code to be a contributing member of Cheapies if they need to PM me for it.

By contributing I mean: At least voted on a deal in the last month - There are so many great deals that Cheapies have put effort into creating and a vote is really good recognition of that. If you don't know how to vote - it's as easy as clicking on the '+' button on the top left of the deal when you're logged in.

Please don't put a comment saying 'does anyone have the code?'

Note: If you have just signed up then you will need to wait 24 hours before you are able to send a Private Message. This should allow plenty of time to start voting on some of the great deals being posted on Cheapies and start putting some comments on posts too.
Remember, make sure you are logged in for discounted club $5.99 standard shipping or free standard shipping over $99 (excluding large items).

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closed Comments

  • +7

    Good effort. Hope you've prepared yourself for the 100s of new private messages coming your way πŸ˜„. Don't think Bigcheese is going to miss that. Disable private messaging if you're not keen.

    • +1

      Instructions are spot on. Working for me.

  • +1

    Awesome work on this :)

  • +1

    Great job. worked for me :)

  • +1

    Nice work to those involved. And to those that don't have access to the code at the moment, I definitely suggest getting involved with the site. The code is well worth it.

    • -1

      Do you have product suggestions on how I might spend I mean save money?

      • +2

        Search seconds on the website, any torpedo 7 branded gear gets real cheap. Especially if they add tents, I've gotten air series tents for $250 and a 4.5m shelter for $105

        • ok but do these codes stack on top of clearance deal/prices?

          • @nzsaver: No the Hospitality and most of the other codes does not work on clearance unless its a value of a set overall value.

        • Very good advice. I just got a very cheap air 500 tent doing that. I couldn't get free postage so used one of the other codes that I can more easily demonstrate I qualify for when I go and pick it up! Hoping it's in good condition

      • +6

        I would recommend you test out a range of codes when you find something of interest.

        The hospo code is usually the best, but sometimes it gives nothing or not as generous as other codes.
        Take a look at the coupon page for Torpedo7 to give you the Student code, Friends & Family discounts etc and use whichever works out cheapest.

  • Perfect! Thanks~

  • +4

    Legend. Don't need it but appreciate the effort.

    For those who haven't used the code for a while, you need to do this first

    For the hospitality coupon code before 01/08/2022, keep the HNZ at the beginning and add 288 to the 7 digit number that follows before you do the process in this post.

    • -1

      Can you please give me or direct me to the last hnz code?

      • +1

        If you don’t have a previous code then send the Original Poster of this deal (ie @flembots) a private message.
        It’s stated in the instructions and been answered multiple times already.

        How many more times do we have to spell this out for you?

        • +1

          I agree. We've told you a good 4-5 times now what the instructions are, yet you keep ignoring them.

          Be a member for more than 24 hours βœ”οΈ
          Be a contributing member of Cheapies βœ”οΈ
          Do you have the previous code? ❌
          Send the person who posted this deal a message: ?????

  • +1


  • +1

    What a legend, used this code in the past to save $$$, much appreciated.

  • +1

    Nice post - cant think of any thing to buy this time around - but the discounts usually beat anything else going if you are. Tents in particular, I bought an inflatable one and could sell it on trademe for more than it cost. Could be a business in it :)

  • +1

    Awesome! no idea how you figured it out, but thanks heaps!

    • +1

      Either some inside info or a bunch of spamming in random numbers would be the most likely way. Even more reason to appreciate the effort if its the spamming, must take ages.

      • +4

        I can confirm it does take ages.
        Even worse when the old method doesn't work this time round!

        • -2

          Hello, can you please provide me a discount code, I never had hospitality code before, please help.

          • +2

            @AllorNothing: Please read the post

            • @bigcheese: I Have read the post but couldn't figure out the code :-(

              • +2

                @AllorNothing: This shows that you haven't read the post / followed the instructions

                [I] ask the following of anyone who can't figure it out or who didn't have the previous code to be a contributing member of Cheapies if they need to PM me for it.

                By contributing I mean: At least voted on a deal in the last month - There are so many great deals that Cheapies have put effort into creating and a vote is really good recognition of that. If you don't know how to vote - it's as easy as clicking on the '+' button on the top left of the deal when you're logged in.

                Please don't put a comment saying 'does anyone have the code?'

                Note: If you have just signed up then you will need to wait 24 hours before you are able to send a Private Message. This should allow plenty of time to start voting on some of the great deals being posted on Cheapies and start putting some comments on posts too.
                Remember, make sure you are logged in for discounted club $5.99 standard shipping or free standard shipping over $99 (excluding large items).

    • +1

      Inside info ;)

    • Did you read the instructions?

      • I did, i don't have the last code.

        • +1

          Going to follow BigCheese's example and ask the following of anyone who can't figure it out or who didn't have the previous code to be a contributing member of Cheapies if they need to PM me for it.

      • -2

        I am having problems too. Am I suppose to deduct 1979899 or 197899? Both not working for me? 7654321-197899= 7456422

        • +1

          You need to have the previous code. The code HNZ7654321 from OP is just a made up example.

          The previous code looks something like this HNZ2021789 (note: this is not the most recent expired code).

          You'd take the 2021789 from the previous code and deduct 1979899. 2021789 - 1979899 = 41890.

          The new code would be HNZQ41890.

          • @Stoic: Thanks. Yes I have the previous code and got it working just now. I must type the number wrong somewhere, so the number was different. Shows how bad my math is.

        • Do you have the last code?

          • @Wakrak: Yes, I have the previous code, but can't get it to work. Maybe my math is just so bad I can't simply subtract it to get the right number πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

  • +30

    Well done OP.
    I'm going to relax now.
    Enjoy your sleepless nights of never ending messages! 😴
    As a guide I've just done a count up of my private messages over the past year since I've been doing the code this way and it comes to 924 individual Cheapies users.

    Enjoy the spotlight.

    • +1

      Thank you for your great work. I really appreciate everything you do for this community πŸ™

    • +3


    • +1

      thank you bigcheese :)

  • +2

    I've just noticed that the free shipping over $99 for club members seems to be before the discount. I've been able to order two things (total RRP $160) for just $50 with free shipping. Amazing - thank you all those who have contributed to this deal!

  • Terrific work. Thanks.
    Unsure of the negative vote πŸ˜€

  • +2

    Would be great if cheapies had a page with exclusive/hot in demand coupons that is only activated after say 50 contributions. This page could be updated each time a new one is out. None the less, good post OP.

  • What a legend, thanks bro

  • Amazing!! Thank you soooo much!

  • +9

    I guess we know who's winning the $100 this month 😎

    • +4

      We need an inflation adjustment.
      I'm thinking $110 now for first.
      What do you reckon @scotty? 😜

  • +2

    For example if the last code was HNZ7654321 then it would now be HNZQ7456422.

    Am I going crazy or is this example wrong?

    7654321 - 1979899 = 5674422 not 7456422

    The logic works with the previous code so thanks for the find @flembots, just this example is wrong I think πŸ˜…

    • Yeah the example is wrong because it is subtracting 197899 and not 1979899.

  • Noice work! Top bloke!

  • Code working for me. Thanks so much.

  • @flembots Thanks for this, though looking at your example calculation - it works out to be a difference of 197,899 as opposed to the 1,979,899 that you mentioned above the example?

    Which is the correct subtraction constant?

    • +1

      Old code - 1979899

  • What a legend

  • I've updated the example OP. It's your post so do what you want with it, but the numbers were off.

    • Thanks, I should have double checked it

  • Use 1,979,899, spent several times to finger out, thanks!

    • +1

      That's a lot of fingers!

      • +1

        Gets distracted halfway through. "Dammit. Have to start again".

  • Thanks OP. Worked for me.

  • +1

    Awesome work again on this. After some quick testing - Discount with Hospo code for 2022/2023 not as good as the previous one? Bought an T7 item a couple of weeks ago on the previous one and it worked out ~ $20 cheaper after the huge discount. Just compared this one with the previously purchased item. Anyone else notice this?

  • +3

    I'm so proud of myself because I worked the code out you've no idea πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

  • +1

    What is the approx. discount ($ or %) one gets with the CSC code? Thanks :)

    • +1

      What's the CSC code?

      • ooooopps….I meant the Hospitality code ($ or %) ?

        • Depends on the product.

  • Great work

  • You and everyone before you working on this are legends! Thank you.

  • legend, great workπŸ‘

  • Thanks, works great!

  • Love your work!

  • Legends, new code works like a charm !!

  • Legend!

  • Great work!

  • Thank you works wonderfully.

  • Thank you for the update - got a fright this morning when I went in to finally grab the wetsuit I've been eyeing up for my daughter this morning!

  • Wow! Kids want a bike or scooter for Xmas so amazing timing!!

  • +1

    Choice Cheapies, saving money and improving math since 2022. Thanks team

  • Works like a charm! Thanks

  • +3

    Random stat. This is now the no.2 deal of all time on Cheapies. No surprise that no.1 is Bigcheese's version of this offer.

    Table hasn't been updated yet, but you can find all of the stats & records here:

    • There have been some excellent deals and huge savings.

    • No.2 in terms of upvotes anyway.

      Historical Most Popular Deals is a combination of votes, comments, history and clickthrough's I think. Because there are quite a few deals that received more than 100 upvotes that are not on that list.

    • It's definitely a popular code.
      Lots of good deals lately too.

    • The table doesn't show all of the highest voted deals, only the deal that overtakes the previous record. So the next one won't be until almost 600 now.

      • Thanks for the insight, Kiwi.

  • Awesome, thank you!

  • Thank you! πŸ‘

  • Awesome, thanks!

  • Hmmmm I have used hospitality code from here last year and saved heaps. But I don’t have the last code. Please can someone PM the last code or the latest code. Thanks.

    • Please read the post.

  • Sorry is the permutation on the original code that was given out by BC? Or the original code > BC permutation as per his last thread > then this permutation?

  • flembots is not replying to my messages. Could someone message me the code please?

    • +1

      Me too have tried a couple of times too. I guess his inbox would be flooded at the moment so will have to wait :)

  • -2

    Is someone able to share the hospitality code with me please? still can't figure it out..

    • +2

      Considering the fact that you just signed up three days ago, I'm guessing you don't have the previous code?

      If so,

      Going to follow Bigcheese's example and ask the following of anyone who can't figure it out or who didn't have the previous code to be a contributing member of Cheapies if they need to PM me for it.

      If you've done that, then you just have to be patient. OP is probably enjoying his/her weekend.

  • at this stage i think torpedo 7 should just make a code for cheapies lol

  • New code doesn't appear to work on weight plates. Get the response "Oops… sorry this coupon isn't available on the products in your basket. Please check the terms and conditions of your coupon or contact our Customer Service team for more information."
    Last code worked out to almost a 50% discount on weight plates and bars. Should have got more then :o( ….

  • Ok thanks - weird. It definitely worked on the old code as I had two each of the 20, 10, 5 and 2.5kg plates on my last order. Just have to order one of each at a time I guess. Cheers.

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