• expired

Spotify Premium (Monthly): Student ~NZ$0.95, Individual ₺29.99 (~NZ$1.90), Family ₺49.99 (~NZ$3.16) @ Spotify (VPN Required)


First off, this is a new method of getting Spotify premium (rather lots of other subscriptions) via Turkey I spotted on Ozbargain(ozbargain.com.au). All credit to I Smell Pennies(ozbargain.com.au). I have copied most of from there. I did get the Turkey master card and can confirm it will work. Currency conversion might be different for others, I have used wise to get the current rate.

I believe few of the old methods mentioned here might still be working.



Please note that Oldubil now no longer accepts payments (transfer) from overseas bank accounts to it's own facilities. This makes paying for (and obtaining) streaming services in Turkiye much harder than before, and as such this deal is set as expired as the methods outlined are no longer valid

For more information see the discussion on Ozbargain.

Instructions for getting Turkey-based Virtual Mastercard

Please read the following instructions carefully.

Part 1 - Obtaining a Turkey Virtual Mastercard (extremely easy)

  1. Download the OlduBil app on the App Store (iOS)(apps.apple.com) or Play Store (Android).(play.google.com)

  2. Open the app and log in or create an account (if you don't have it already). Use your real details (name, Australian mobile number etc). This should be a very easy process…

  3. On the home page of the app, look at the bottom tabs, tap "Deposit Money", then "Deposit via Bank Transfer / ETF". You'll be presented a page with your 16-digit Virtual Turkey Mastercard Number. Write down this number (by the way, you can find your full Virtual Mastercard details on the "My Wallet" tab on the Home Page of the app). On the same page, at the bottom, select the bank "Aktifbank" in the dropdown and write down it's IBAN number (TR followed by 24 numbers). I strongly suggest choosing the bank "Aktifbank" as I've personally chose this one and the transfer works a charm - and I have all the info right below so just write that down :)

    Aktifbank details:

    • Company Name: TURK ELEKTRONIK PARA A.S.
    • Aktifbank IBAN: TR97 0014 3000 0000 0003 0484 87
    • Aktifbank BIC: CAYTTRIS (you'll only need this if topping up via Revolut)

    Recipient Address for Aktifbank (you'll only need this if topping up via Revolut)

    • Street and number: Hafta Sk. No 9
    • Zip code: 06700
    • Town/City: Ankara
  4. Part 1 is now complete.

Part 2 - Topping up your OlduBil Virtual Turkish Mastercard with Wise (App or Web)

OlduBil fee: 6.25% of transfer

  1. Log in or create an account on Wise. You can use the Wise website, or the Wise app on the App Store (iOS)(apps.apple.com) or Play Store (Android).(play.google.com)

  2. Top up New Zealand Dollars (NZD) into your Wise account.

  3. Convert your New Zealand Dollars (NZD) to Turkish Lira (TRY). Total Turkish Lira should be the amount you need to the type of spotify premium plan + ₺24.34 TL (Wise charges, see 4). This conversion should be instant. To do this, click onto "New Zealand", then "Convert", then select NZD → TRY and type in the amount you wish to convert and press "continue" then "convert".

  4. Send your newly converted Turkish Lira to your OlduBil Virtual Turkish Mastercard. To do this, click onto "Turkish Lira", then "Send", then select "Same currency". Enter the amount of Turkish Lira you wish to transfer (Note: Wise charges a ₺24.34 TL flat fee for a single transfer, so this fee will be added onto the amount you enter). Click "continue", then "New contact", then "Someone else". On this page, leave the "their email" box empty, and tick "I know their bank details". For the "Full name of the account holder" field, type in "TURK ELEKTRONIK PARA A.S." and for the "IBAN" field, type in the IBAN you wrote down in Part 1 Step 3 (IBAN: TR97 0014 3000 0000 0003 0484 87). Continue and in the "Review transfer details" section (see screenshot(files.ozbargain.com.au)), double check everything is correct and then for the "Reference for TURK" field, you must type in your OlduBil Virtual Turkish Mastercard number (without spaces). Tick the confirmation box and then "Confirm and send". This transfer will only be initiated during normal Turkey business hours and takes around 10 minutes on Wise's end. My transfer took 2 hours to land into my OlduBil account.

    Note: Make sure you only transfer the amount you actually need to pay for your subscription (add a few dollars extra in case due to currency fluctuations) because due to regulations, OlduBil does not allow withdrawals unless you originally signed up with a Turkey phone number.

Available Plans:

You can see all the features of all Spotify Premium plans here: https://support.spotify.com/us/article/premium-plans/

Subscription Plan TR Pricing NZ Conversion NZ Pricing Savings Notes
Individual (Monthly) ₺29,99 TL ~$1.90 NZD $14.99 NZD ~$13.09 NZD
Student (Monthly) ₺14,99 TL ~$0.95 NZD $7.49 NZD ~$6.54 NZD
Duo (Monthly) ₺39,99 TL ~$2.53 NZD $18.99 NZD ~$16.46 NZD
Family (Monthly) ₺49,99 TL ~$3.16 NZD $22.50 NZD ~$19.34 NZD Best value!

Part 3 Instructions

Please read the following instructions carefully. If you already have a Turkey based Virtual Mastercard, proceed with the following instructions. If you do not have a Turkey-based Virtual Mastercard, STOP HERE and see how to get one here in the instructions section (Part 1 and Part 2): https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/784047.

Turkey based Virtual Mastercard REQUIRED

Notes: The Spotify sign up pages will be in Turkish (which is easily navigatable if you have some common sense). Feel free to translate the page to English otherwise.

  1. Log in to Spotify (VPN off), or make a new account (VPN off).

  2. Connect a VPN to a server in Turkey (see Notes section for suggestions).

. Go to the Spotify Premium plans(spotify.com) page.

  1. Scroll down and select the plan you want. Proceed to pay with your Turkey-based Virtual Mastercard.

  2. Fly back home and turn off your VPN. YOU'RE DONE! WOOO! Enjoy your savings :)

    HELP POINT: Because the popup payment windown cannot be translated to English, here are screenshots of the process in the following order: (1(files.ozbargain.com.au)), (2(files.ozbargain.com.au)), (3(files.ozbargain.com.au))

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closed Comments

  • With similar cost of $3ish, you can get YouTube Premium and music premium.

    • +3

      Yes, but different song collections and personal preference.

    • Where can one get YouTube Premium for $3ish?

      • Probably also Turkey, just make sure you don't put it on your real Google account.

      • Here is one way and bit updated guide is here

      • I created a YouTube account to just to test using this v card on yt premium and it got banned for suspicious activity in less than 24 hours. Luckily you get 1 month free before payment kicks in.

        Be very careful if doing this with your main account.

        • I've never actually switched regions, you can add new addresses and wipe your payment profiles to pay in another region but keep your current countries app store. I had to update mine to India last year but have never lost the UK apps that the account has always been associated to. It's still risky if they kill the account off so we tend to put the sub on a burner account and sign up as a family.

  • Can we just directly use the Wise card, instead of using Oldubil?

    • Payment will be declined as your wise account is NZ based.

    • +1

      Yes you can, I did this myself about two months ago. I Smell Pennies (the OzBargains poster OP credited) has an older guide where wise cards are used, but it involves VPN and google play store shenanigans. Best of luck.

  • Awesome, with more providers clamping down on non Turkish cards, this should make things easier

    • +1

      Absolutely, great alternative payment method for Netflix, Google One, Microsoft 365, Xbox Game Pass, Youtube etc.

      • Google and Microsoft can be accomplished with a Turkish Apple ID and gift cards.

  • +1

    The reviews for the app are a bit off-putting, for Spotify might stick to processing the payment through Google Play.

  • +5

    Yep all of my subs are using Turkey so might as well learn Turkish now

  • Thanks OP, I know spotify has better interface and supports, unfortunately same price Youtube premium gives you songs and no ads on youtube which is way better

    • +1

      For YouTube I just use Brave browser on my Android phone which blocks all ads and allows me to play the videos while the app is closed, free of charge

  • +1

    This transfer will only be initiated during normal Turkey business hours and takes around 10 minutes on Wise's end. My transfer took 2 hours to land into my OlduBil account.

    I am at this step but the Wise tracking says they won't pay out my TRY until July 3rd…

    • Same here…

      • Maybe its a weekly transfer as the Wise site definitely says it won't pay it out on the transfer page until July 3rd.

  • That's funny I was just saying last night I was going to sign up for Spotify Family via Turkey.

    • +2

      Just completed the process using Oldubil. I put in 500 Lira (about $30) which I'm happy to risk.

      Just an FYI, you don't actually need the balance to arrive to apply the card. They check the validity of the card, but not balance.

      At least if you're getting the Free Trial, anyway, which I did.

      So the money hasn't yet landed in Oldubil, but I now have the Spotify Premium Family account.

      • I just signed up for a family and it set my country to Turkey and now everyone in the family can't use it as they are not in the same country.

        • As previously posted, I would not use your main account for this - too risky.

          I might be wrong, but I believe you can only change your Google account's location once a year, so you'll either have to wait a year to change it back to NZ, or create a new account and start from scratch.

          Maybe someone else knows another alternative.

          • @Alan6984: Spotify account != Google account.

            • @danvelopment:

              Spotify account != Google account.

              Sorry - my bad, I thought they meant they had moved their Google account to Turkey :-)

        • You (your family) can change your country in settings.

          Spotify will check your IP, and feed you your current set country and the country you're in (so if you're in NZ, you'll be fed a list of NZ and NZ).

          So turn on a VPN for Turkey, login, change their country (list of New Zealand and Turkey), and then click the link again.

          Both my partner and my little brother had existing Spotify accounts that are now set to Turkey and working fine. I'm now registered for Spotify for the first time.

          • @danvelopment: I use a free browser extension called Urban VPN Proxy that has a Turkey option. I only enable the extension when it's in use, and disable it otherwise as I assume it's probably dodgy AF and crawling my data when it's active (regardless of whether it's in use or not).

            • @danvelopment: Or use free windscribe vpn extension. Again it might be dodgy as well, so enable only when you want it and probably use private/incognito window.

          • @danvelopment: thank you!

  • Thanks OP. This method could be a semi-permanent fix to the lack of access to Turkish CC's for various subs. However, looking at the feedback and reviews of the OlduBil app users show a list of many potentials for things that could go wrong with the verification process and potential loss of money after the transfer. I will wait and see if it works for NZ phone numbers. Thanks anyway.

  • +1

    Tried signing up on the OlduBil app but not receiving the SMS verification text… and now it says I've requested it too many times.

    • +1

      Add 0 in front of the number. I had that issue and even though the selection had +64, had to add 0 to make it work.

      • Yeah, I had the 0 in front of the number. I just tried a different number as well, still the same :/

      • How long did you wait to receive the text ? I did add 0 in front but couldn't receive any verification code at all…..

        • It was almost instant for me. took maybe few seconds

          • @ace310: Good on you. Just tried it now still no luck. May I know what mobile company you use?

    • I'm with spark and not getting sms either. Been trying the past 3 days

      • Yeah, I am with 2degrees, still not getting it after trying for a few days as well. I also tried signing up for Revolut and not receiving the SMS text from them either. Very weird, wonder if they use the same SMS provider.

        Might try the Vodafone number I have laying around.

      • Bought a Skinny SIM card and that worked. SMS came within seconds. Didn't work for 2degrees, Spark or One (for me).

  • The RegEx validation for their phone number verification is laughable.

  • This also works with the new spotify Google Pay Feature, which allows you to buy this with a nz card. Just need to change the location of the google account.

    • Be a bit wary about doing that, or use a burner Google account.

      Your banking apps will stop updating, possibly disappear and definitely won't be available in the app store.

      I know this from experience.

      • easy as, any androld phone can use multi google accounts.
        I have one for turkish and 1 for nz. play store, just tap twice, 2 secs job.

        • Yes - do this (if you are going down this path).

          You can have multiple users on a single phone (no idea if Apple allows their users to do that, or if they don't approve, and won't allow it).

          I would not use my 'main' Google account, just in case something went wrong, or it got barred, locked to Turkey, or other such issues.

          • +1

            @Alan6984: yes, you can do it on iphone tool but requires login every time switch.

            • @rb3xu: Which is the same as logging out and logging into a different account?

    • Also, I think you can change the location of google account only once a year or something. So don't try to use your main google account if you care.

  • Should also make this one easier: xbox gamepass
    Being able to just subscribe directly rather than gift card bs

    • This could technically get your Xbox account banned. I wouldn't be fuzzy about a Spotify account being banned, but losing my Xbox account would be much worse.
      I've used the Gold Conversion trick recently; 3x 12 months Gold from PBTech @ $90, 1 month GPU @ $20, and I've got 3 years of GPU for $290.

      • They'd be banning a lot of their player base if they did, and i havent had issues over the last 3 years or so, nor has anyone else

        Itd make more sense for them to just lock it down more than banning people

        • I did the conversion o ve a few years back and been paying for extensions using rewards points ever since. If you can get the play PC points in the app you only need 300 points a day and can amass 700, so far more than you need to pay off the gamepass sub

    • +2

      True. Here is the ozbargain post(ozbargain.com.au)

      • Oooh nice nice, thanks for the link!

  • Can you do this with an existing Spotify account (so keeping all your playlists etc) or does it have to be a brand new one?

    • +1

      Yes you can. But current plan needs to lapse on your account. Then you can subscribe using this method.

  • Has anyone figured out how to get Indian Audible? Used to use it, but now it would not accept my NZ card.

    • Indian stuff seems trickier now, doesn't help the indian government forced vpns to hand over user data so the likes of nord pulled their servers preventing quick relocation.

  • Thanks for that! On a side note, does anyone know how to subscribe to Japanese Spotify? Any idea how to get pass the Japanese card payment?

  • Well times, in the process of renewing our youtube premium and shifting Netflix I er anyway so will add this to the list.

    Double dipping on music between YouTube and Spotify but Spotify bought up some podcasts and their free UI while usable is so unpleasant to navigate. Worth $2.50 to be able to manage playlists properly and another $2.50 to remove YouTube ads. Still cheaper than our current local Netflix price moving all three services to turkey.

  • Mine currently says july 3rd for wise processing payment to the turkey based bank account any one know why?

    • Update from original post from Ozbargain

      Due to the sudden and large number of transfers from you guys, Wise is now giving a transfer date of 3rd July. Please avoid Wise if you can and go the Revolut route. I can confirm Revolut transfers are much faster within minutes (or hours at the latest). For those who have already initiated a transfer via Wise, feel free to cancel the transfer (or let it send anyway in case you want to buy cheap Turkey products and services or sign up to other cheap Turkey subs) and go to Revolut.

      • I don't have TRY in Revolut for some reason. When I go + New to add currency it tells me "You have already added all the accounts available" but I only have NZD,EUR,AUD,GBP,USD. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to give Revolut a go to get this up and running ASAP.

        • +1

          Tried signing up but says i'm on a waitlist

          • @Dago: Ah right, I used this service years ago when it first came out then suddenly wasn't able to for a good number of years and now it seems it's back but maybe with limited functionality for NZ.

      • +1

        Seems more related to the holidays than volume. Seems a bit unlikely they can't handle it.

  • +1

    Very useful, thanks OP. Is there any way to get Tinder premium on Android with this method? I saw it on iPhones, but nothing regarding android. Thanks.

  • +1

    Due to a public holiday in Turkey from 27 June to 1st July (Kurban Bayrami Holiday), all transfers are delayed until Monday 3rd July. Please keep this in mind when making a transfer

  • I cancelled my transfer with Wise but managed to set up my Turkish Netflix to come off my Wise Card, so the money will just be used for that instead. Might try this deal again later in the month or something.

  • my phone number isn't long enough for Oldubil, does it need to be the correct number? 021XXXXXX
    Only works if i add another number

    • Have you tried another 0 in beginning? I have total of 10 digits in my number like 021XXXXXXX

      • It lets me add another 0 at the start 0021XXXXXX, but do they need to text you?

        • Yes, you need to verify your number to activate the account.

          • @ace310: no luck, verification doesnt come through with the extra 0

            • @Sadie: Bugger. Any chance you have any other number to work with?

        • Tried: 6421XXXXXX?

  • My phone number is only is only 9 digits (021xxxxxx) and I got this issue too.
    I assume if you try a 10 digit number it will work.

    • Yeah, I don’t have multiple SIM cards and don’t want to encourage spam on the kids phones :) will have a think

      • Just get a warehouse or skinny sim. Mostly they are $1 each and you can use for such sign ups.

        • +1

          Purchased a new Warehouse SIM and tested to no avail.
          After, I got a Spark SIM from work, tried that and it worked straight away with the zero prefix number format (027xxx..)

          • @Steve113: What were the leading (code) digits of the TWL mobile number?

            • @Alan6984: For the Warehouse mobile I had two numbers.
              The first was 028 followed by 7 digits (028xxxxxxx).

              The second Warehouse mobile is using a ported number starting with 021 followed by 6 digits. Neither worked.

              • @Steve113: Interesting that an original 021 (with six following digits) would not work.

  • Anyone know if this works for google store/app store for cheaper in-app purchases?

  • Probably a dumb question, do we need to keep topping up the Turkish MasterCard?

    • +1

      😂. Yes if you want to keep the subscription active. Topping up is only required when you want to use it.

      • Fair enough haha. Seems painless anyway

  • Worked perfectly. Had to cancel family, then resign up to Duo paying in TYR the upgrade to Family. Amazing!!

    • For family plan, if you get the same address error you need to update everyone's location to Turkey in profile whilst using your VPN.

      • and if you are changing location, in profile if you are getting the "This email address it taken error" log out and log back in with the Spotify username (not email address)

  • My Oldubil payment has come through with no dramas. Glad I put in 500 TRY, now I can look to other services.

    Both Wise and Oldubil take a little something something from the transfer, so you lose about 10%, but save WAY MORE than 10% so it's worth it.

    First stop, lets see if a Turkish Credit Card will work on Creative Cloud Lebanon.

    • Alas, Adobe has switched it to USD now.

    • OlduBil fee: 6.25% of transfer

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