mnmlaus » posts

Replacement/New Spectacle Lenses - Seeking Advice

I'm trying to find an affordable (read cheap) way to put prescription lenses into a pair of spectacle frames I already own. Any suggestions on where I should go for these? Thanks in advance!

[Auckland] Fuel: 91 - $2.94 per Litre; 95 - $3.10 per Litre (Requires Caltex App for 10c off at Pump) @ Caltex, Sylvia Park

expired [Auckland] Fuel: 91 - $2.94 per Litre; 95 - $3.10 per Litre (Requires Caltex App for 10c off at Pump) @ Caltex, Sylvia Park

With the price of fuel skyrocketing at the moment, check gaspy app before you fill your tank. Convo with a friend today and discovered 91 @ 44c cheaper not too far from his local.